Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm on a roll...okay so wikipedia's article on iron and wine had a few grammatical errors in it. And so I took it upon myself to edit them and correct them all. Okay, I think I'm done blogging for now. Time to get outside and enjoy this weather.
a couple of weeks ago I edited the wikipedia article on Longport, New Jersey. Within hours, my edit was removed. But I think it is an important fact! So I am putting it back in. TAKE THAT.
Longport, NJ
Last Friday, we had the honor of having Lou Honick, CEO of come and talk to our class. After hearing his speech about his company, I decided to check out his website. And I know that he said that he's not crazy about the appearance and marketing technique of the site, but I kind of like it! The grass has a nice, springtime feel to it (which is great this time of year).
After navigating the site for a bit, it is clear to see that their site stands above their competition. It is very easy to understand (especially for someone like me who knows next to nothing about web hosting) and seems extremely easy to establish your own website.

If these guys can become this successful from their website, it gives hope to someone like me, who hopes to one day become a successful entrepreneur!
in honor of Alex Brown being out of the country for the past few days, I will double my efforts of blogging my deepest thoughts. for one, here is this ridiclous article I found on slashdot's blog right here: la la laa
basically, the article says that one of the last independent radio stations in Russia obtained new management who were apparently very loyal to Putin. The management ordered the news readers that they had to report at least 50% positive news. In addition, opposition leaders could not be mentioned on the air. FURTHERMORE, the United States are to portrayed as an enemy.

WHAT! I can't believe this. This is so manipulative and completely takes away from freedom of speech. Granted, this is Russia, who has many different laws and regulations than we do. But it baffles me that people are subjected to living this way.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Joel recently commented on the Amazon article that we talked about in class yesterday. His thoughts can be read here:
price discrimination I decided to go on a little more about it in my own blog. I think that what Amazon was doing, if it's not illegal or anything, is just a part of business. They think that getting new customers will be easier if they are offered lower prices.
However, on the flipside of that, throughout several business classes I have been taught that it is easier to KEEP a customer then to get a new one. And if that is the case, then why wouldn't Amazon offer their regular customers discounts as well? Maybe free shipping on 20% off at checkout or something like that.
I would think also, that if customers seven years ago were really this upset about the issue, use a public computer, delete your cookies, or use a new browser or e-mail address to obtain the discount.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I just found this article on the clickz blog. It is a story of a woman who is responsible for her company's e-mail marketing campaign. With her job she travels to many different companies and deals with many different currencies. In short, while in London her ATM card did not work as she tried to take out some money. After calling her bank in New York, they informed her that they were upgrading their systems and money would not be available for a few hours. They did not e-mail this clients directly but instead sent e-mails to their customer's online banking site.

From personal experience, I rarely check my online statement. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that most people do not regularly check their online banking sites. So, if an important message was sent to me on a site that I rarely use, what good does that serve me? None. This bank clearly does not understand the importance of proper marketing techniques, this one being through e-mail.

Also, unrelated,

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