Thursday, April 12, 2007

Joel recently commented on the Amazon article that we talked about in class yesterday. His thoughts can be read here:
price discrimination I decided to go on a little more about it in my own blog. I think that what Amazon was doing, if it's not illegal or anything, is just a part of business. They think that getting new customers will be easier if they are offered lower prices.
However, on the flipside of that, throughout several business classes I have been taught that it is easier to KEEP a customer then to get a new one. And if that is the case, then why wouldn't Amazon offer their regular customers discounts as well? Maybe free shipping on 20% off at checkout or something like that.
I would think also, that if customers seven years ago were really this upset about the issue, use a public computer, delete your cookies, or use a new browser or e-mail address to obtain the discount.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

I think Amazon has grown up a lot since that article was written.

Now they offer a 30-day price guarantee (which I've used on more than one occasion).

They are also VERY big into web services. As an Amazon associate, I get product data from them every day, including price data. The product data I display on my affiliate site, pretty much matches the price Amazon displays on its site.

Web shoppers are also a LOT more savvy than they used to be!

BTW, if you are looking for bargains on Amazon products, be sure to try!