Thursday, May 3, 2007

In class the other day, and throughout the semester, we talked about Word of Mouth Marketing. I decided to do a little research on what other people have written about it...number one link on a google search is for wikipedia (surprise). But here's a good article from wikipedia. I think that any company that doesn't embrace word of mouth marketing and encourage it would be stupid. Like that mentos and diet coke video...coca cola should have fully embraced the hype that that video brought them, like mentos did. And as soon as I work for a big company, I would like to make sure that they take full advantage of the word of mouth that could be available to them.

1 comment:

Matt Petretti said...

I agree with you Lauren. I think many new companies are embracing the idea of WOM marketing, and it is the more traditional companies that are lagging behind. While major ad campaigns can be effective, they are often costly. WOM is virtually free and has the potential to reach a mass audience depending on the strength of your product/service.